The University of Florence is an important and influential centre for research and higher training in Italy. It is one of the largest in the Italian university system, offering a wide range of study programmes at various levels and in all areas of knowledge. In fact, the University of Florence has 126 Degree courses (First and Second Cycle, corresponding to Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees) organized in 10 Schools and 24 Departments, with a population of about 51,000 enrolled students, one-fourth of which comes from outside of Tuscany. The University of Florence has a longstanding experience in managing national and international projects, including Erasmus plus projects. Currently, almost 180 international projects are active, with the University of Florence included as a coordinator or a partner. Moreover, the University is now a partner of the consortium EUNIWELL European University for Well-Being funded by the Erasmus Plus Programme under the Action European Universities.The University of Florence’s goals and mission are the processing and transmission of knowledge and advanced learning, in accordance with the freedoms of research, teaching, and learning. It promotes the internationalization of scientific and educational programmes. The University cooperates with several other local, national, and foreign institutions to increase the quality and effectiveness of its activities
Christian Tarchi

Christian Tarchi (PhD) is an Associate Professor in Educational and Developmental Psychology. He is an expert in digital learning, critical thinking, and learning difficulties. He will coordinate the ORWELL project and lead the working package “Flip & Write”.
The more that you [write], the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go
[Dr. Seuss]
Enrico Ravera

Enrico Ravera (PhD) is an Associate Professor in General and Inorganic Chemistry. He has an interest in scientific writing and co-authored two General Chemistry textbooks. He will collaborate with the ORWELL project on writing as a learning tool in STEM disciplines.
The chemical signs ought to be letters, for the greater facility of writing, and not to disfigure a printed book.
[Jons Jacob Berzelius]
Lidia Casado Ledesma

Lidia Casado Ledesma (PhD) is a postdoctoral researcher in Educational Psychology. Her areas of expertise are: argumentative writing, source-based writing and dialogic argumentation. She will participate in the working package “Flip & Write”.
I know nothing in the world that has as much power as a word. Sometimes I write one, and I look at it, until it begins to shine.
[Emily Dickinson]
Cosimo Di Bari

Cosimo Di Bari (PhD) is a Researcher in General and Social Pedagogy. He deals with Media Education in Early Childhood, Outdoor Education and other fields of education. He will collaborate with the ORWELL project on the pedagogical aspects of writing.
There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed
[Ernest Hemingway]

The University of Cantabria (UC) is a young modern public institution whose mission is to provide for a comprehensive education with a global vision and which responds to the needs of the local and regional contexts generating research, quality education, fostering innovation, entrepreneurship, transferring knowledge, and culture in a socially responsible way.
The UC was officially designated as Cantabria International Campus (CCI) by the Spanish Ministry of Education since 2009. CCI is a comprehensive campus-based on knowledge with sustainability as an essential condition to ensure development in the region. The purpose is to promote an “Ecosystem of Knowledge”, leading the region in a model of growth based on the strategic aggregation of public and private agents, the creation and transfer of knowledge, social cohesion, and economic development.
In figures, the UC has 15 Faculties and Schools and 5 Research Institutes and offers 32 Bachelor degrees, 45 Official Masters and 20 Doctoral Programmes and 167 research groups. It has about 12.000 students, 1.200 teaching and research staff, and 600 administrative staff. More than 400 teaching staff are accredited to teach in English and more than 150 courses are offered in this language.
The UC has a wide and solid experience in internationalization (at home and abroad), and mobility within the framework of the Erasmus + Project (KA103 and KA107) and with an array of strategic partners all over the world, and specifically with highly reputed institutions in the USA. It manages annually around 900 exchange students for credit (incoming and outgoing) and it organizes several tailor-made programmes. As for European projects, the UC has participated in former Tempus and Erasmus Mundus projects and currently runs three Jean Monnet modules and a Chair, and four Strategic Partnership projects, two of which in a coordinating role. The UC belongs to several national, European, and international networks such as the G9 of Spanish Universities, Sgroup, CINDA, and AIUP, and recelntly has become a member of Eunice (European University for Customised Education).
Ruth Villalón

Ruth Villalón is an associate professor in the Department of Education at the University of Cantabria. She received a degree and a doctorate in Psychology from the Autonomous University of Madrid. She also holds a master’s degree in IT in Education. Her professional career has always been linked to the educational field. Her main research interests are reading and writing as learning instruments and the conceptions and practices of teaching in formal settings. She will lead the working package “Writing Lab”.
Can writing make a difference? Yes, I deeply believe it can. Without that faith I could not write
[Ryszard Kapuscinski]
Diego Garcia

Diego García-Saiz is professor in the Department of Computer Science at University of Cantabria. He has a degree in Computer Science and obtained his Phd in Mathematics and Computation in 2026. His main research areas are Data Science, Artificial Intelligence and Software Engineering. He has experience in the analysis of the educational data, also known as Educational Data Mining. He will be in charge of the development and application of Data Mining techniques in order to extract knowledge from the students’ data in Moodle.
There is one type of automaton which offers the higest interest: the one that is capable of imitate, not the gestures, but the human actions
[Leonardo Torres Quevedo]

Malmö University is an open, innovative and boundary-crossing university that handles complex issues and societal challenges. Education and research are multi- or interdisciplinary, cross organisational boundaries and are co-created with actors outside the University. Malmö University is an active and critical voice in society, promoting a knowledge-based, open and constructive public debate — locally, nationally and globally. The University is a national role model for inclusion and widening recruitment in education, doctoral education and research. Approximately 24 000 students are enrolled at Malmö University.
Eva Wennås Brante

Eva Wennås Brante, associate professor in Educational Science. She has a background as a primary school teacher and will be leading WP Collobarotaive writing in Malmö. In the WP we will collaborate with teacher teams, interviewing students, distribute a survey and produce supportive videos with strategies for collaborative writing.
Writing together expands your thinking
Dennis Augustson

Dennis Augustson, PhD in Educational Science and has a background in media and film. He will be responsible for the supportive videos we will make as an outcome of the work package.
If there is a book you want to read, but it hasn’t been written yet, then you must write it.
[Toni Morrison]

European Development Agency EUDA is a Prague-based private company specialising in accessing and managing European funds. EUDA core activities are project consultation, creation, and management. EUDA assists its clients and partners throughout the projects’ life cycle writes research-based projects; searches for partners; tackles submission processes; consults with stakeholders; coordinates projects’ implementation; conducts periodical quality assurance; and produces summative and evaluative reports. EUDA also performs educational activities; facilitates transfers of know-how via international mobilities and traineeships; and coordinates EUDA Network. EUDA operates with entities from European Union Member States, Eastern Partnership and Western Balkan countries.
EUDA worked with programmes like Erasmus+, Europe for Citizens, Visegrad Fund, Interreg Europe, EEA-Norway Grants, and national Operational Programmes within European Structural and Investment Funds. EUDA has experience in projects on, inter alia, youth, adult, and higher education; Vocational Education and Training; employment; social inclusion; social and technological innovation; health literacy; sustainable, urban, and regional development.
Stefania Pavel

Ștefania is project and Network manager at EUDA since 2020. Ștefania has experience in writing projects for CERV, Erasmus+, Visegrad Grants, European Social Fund programmes and UN grants. She has a background in European Studies, having completed an Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree. Ștefania is responsible for the internationalization of EUDA. Hereby she works towards creating an international, diversified EUDA promotional portfolio; increasing the visibility of the company in transnational project-making communities; and attracting new partners to EUDA Network.
Words are a lens to focus one’s mind.
[Ayn Rand]
Zuzana Rubešová

Zuzana has been part of EUDA since 2022. Prior she worked in the cultural industry as part of production teams of diverse events. Hereby she was responsible for website and social media presence, as well as financial management of events. Zuzana graduated from the University of Economics with a masters degree in Economics policy and Economic Journalism, hence her work in project management and grants. As of 2023, in EUDA, she is responsible for implementing the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs exchanges, soon she would like to focus on cultural grants.
There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.
[Maya Angelou]

WIDE Services (Web Innovation, Development and E-Learning Services) is an Athens-based private company, established in 2013, with a solid track record of integrated professional e-learning solutions worldwide. It belongs to the handful of Premium Moodle Partners worldwide and is the Moodle Certified Services Regional Provider for Greece, Cyprus and Albania. The company received the award “Moodle Educator Partner of the Year” in 2019 and the exclusive title “regional official Moodle Educators Training and Certifications provider”. Today the company has over 700 clients, over 450 successful projects and has developed more than 500 SCORM and Moodle courses. Our goal is to offer the most qualitative and personalised services by investing in long-term collaborations with each customer.
WIDE Services is 6 times ISO-certified, awarded by international accreditation bodies, with worldwide strategic alliances and partnerships. We have total coverage for GDPR, with in-house DPO.
Yannis Arapoglou

Yiannis Arapoglou is the CEO and Founder of WIDE Services company. His role is e-learning Solutions Architect. He has 13+ years of professional experience in the configuration and use of e-learning platforms. From 2006 till today he is professionally active in the field of e- learning, field he studied extensively at the University of Piraeus. He has received awards in international entrepreneurship competitions, and specialized trainings that have converted him to certified Moodle Mentor-Assessor.
I write to discover what I know.
[Flannery O’Connor]
Katerina Tsadima

Katerina Tsadima is an Instructional Designer & Project Manager with studies in cognitive science and elearning field. She will work on Flip & Write, Writing Lab and Collaborative writing working packages.
Transforming the way university students approach writing through digital tools and techniques.
Kyriaki Kolaini

Kyriaki Kolaini is a graduate of the Department of Classical Philology of the School of Philosophy of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and holds a Master’s Degree in “E-Learning” of the Department of Digital Systems of the University of Piraeus and she works in WIDE Services as an e-learning Specialist. She will deal with Flip & Write, Writing Lab and Collaborative writing working packages.
A word after a word after a word is power
[Margaret Atwood]